Wraparound Care
This is the childcare that is available at the beginning and end of the school day.
Early Birds (Breakfast Club)
This provision is operated by our school’s Teaching Assistant: Mrs McConnell helped by our Breakfast Club play worker, Mrs Hopkins.
We are open from 8 a.m. to 8.50 a.m., Monday to Friday (term time only).
We offer a choice of cereals, toast, brioche and pancakes, with milk, juice or water to drink
A range of activities are on offer to club members throughout the week
At the end of each session, we have a short burst of exercise to get us ready for the school day ahead
Sessions cost £5.00 per day and all sessions must be booked in advance. If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium, we may be able to help towards costs of this club. Please speak to the school office.
All breakfast club members must arrive between 8.00 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. as this is when breakfast is served.
After Early Birds finishes, EYFS and KS1 Pupils are escorted to their classrooms by a member of staff. KS2 pupils make their way to Owl or Falcon Class.
How to book?
We have introduced an on-line system called Childcare On-line Booking (CoB) for Breakfast Club
For those parents who wish to use the club, it is recommended that you watch the video first:
then to register, parents will need to log on to https://purley.childcare-online-booking.co.uk/
Terms and Conditions for both clubs have been updated so please do familiarise yourself with them. Childcare vouchers are also accepted.
After School Club
Our new After School Club provider, In2Care, started their services on the 4th of November. We are very excited about this partnership and the enhanced opportunities it will bring to our children.
Head to their website www.in-2-care.com and go to ‘Book here’
To make a booking follow this quick guide:
- Create an Account’
- Make yourselves familiar with their Terms & Conditions
- Add ‘Purley CoE Primary School’ as your centre
- Add your Child(ren) to your Account
- Ensure all consents, contacts, collectors, medical, diet and doctors’ information inputted is complete and accurate
- Click ‘Book Activity’ to create a Booking
- Select the dates you require and head to the checkout!
- Choose to make a payment via Debit/Credit Card, Childcare Vouchers/TaxFree Childcare, or an Instalment Plan.
It’s super easy once you’ve created your account! Please don’t hesitate to contact their friendly team by sending them an email at info@in-2-care.co.uk or by calling 01344 609934.