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Purley Church Of England
Primary School

Let all that you do be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14

Woodland School

The idea originated in Sweden in the 1950’s and was introduced in Britain in the late 1990’s. The original name was Forest School. It is an inspirational process that offers regular opportunities to appreciate and enjoy the outdoors. Learning occurs in a relaxed environment using all of the senses. Choices can be made and risks understood and taken. The sessions happens all year round and so children should wear warm, waterproof clothing.  The ethos of our Woodland School is that children should be allowed time and space to explore, develop skills and interests and understanding through practical, hands on experience. It promotes good health and fitness and an awareness of good hygiene. It helps children’s social and communication development as they work together problem solving, developing motor-skills and coordination in a fun and relaxed environment. Children also learn a sense of personal responsibility and respect for their environment as well as developing their confidence, self-esteem and independence.

Badger Class Woodland Adventures 
This term the children have continued their team building activities in the Woodland.  Come rain or shine they have made dens and shelters, climbed trees, played hide and seek , gone on a bug hunt, made minibeast habitats and hunted for fungi. We ended the term with a walk to the house, enjoying the illuminated woodland walk and having our hot chocolate break under a thatched gazebo. 
 Here are a few of our favourite things:   
Sadie "  looking at the wood at Christmas because it's all wet and springy" 
Gino ""making a den in the rain"
Reggie and Lottie " playing hide and seek"
Daniil " watching birds"
Jaxon " playing with my friends"
Ariyah " using the binoculars to look for things far away"
Elliot "making dens"
Darcie" climbing logs and finding different coloured leaves"
Layne " using all the wood logs to make a den"

 We look forward to our return after February half term.