Curriculum Intent
Science teaching at Purley C of E Primary School aims to develop children’s scientific enquiry skills and knowledge around the subject so that they are equipped with enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards the subject. Teaching staff maintain engagement, nurture curiosity and interest in the subject throughout the pupils’ time in Primary School, with the long-term goal that children will continue through their educational career with a positive attitude towards science.
As scientists, children will:
Develop and maintain a natural curiosity about the world around them
Be able to provide observations and predictions in the three different areas
Ask and respond to enquiring questions about a practical experiment or concept
Have developed a scientific vocabulary to explain concepts verbally or in a written format
To ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum through teaching mixed year groups, we follow the Plymouth Science Scheme and lessons are taught weekly. Teachers are confident and passionate about teaching science, providing ample opportunities for children to observe, question, and predict different concepts through practical exploration.
‘Working Scientifically’ Skills are embedded within lessons throughout the year groups to ensure they are being developed as a pupil moves through the school. Lessons are highly practical and offer both guided and child-led investigations to develop practical enquiry skills. Wherever possible, links to the world we live in are made and teachers find opportunities to develop the children’s understanding by accessing outdoor space or workshops with experts. Cross-curricular links are made with maths and English, wherever possible.
Teachers share ideas for suitable practical investigations across the year groups and engage in dialogue about misconceptions and knowledge around different topics. Evidence is taken from books and learning talks with small groups of children that take place during the year with their books and through conducting lessson observations.
Teachers are offered support from the science lead in teaching the different topics and are offered training in Science where they require it.
Children at Purley C of E Primary develop an interest and love for science. Our engagement with the outdoor environment gives children ample opportunity to have first-hand experiences of the world around them. Pupils are keen to talk about their experiences in science and provide some basis for aspirational future careers in the STEM industry.