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Purley Church Of England
Primary School

Let all that you do be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14

School Vision and Values


At the heart of our school are our Christian values, which shape everything we do.

Our vision, “Learn to love, love to learn,” is inspired by Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians: "Let all that you do be done in love." This reflects our commitment to nurturing each child as an individual, helping them shine with confidence and become the best version of themselves. We aim to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and responsibilities they need for life.

Rooted in Biblical principles, our shared vision makes Purley C.E. School a truly special place to learn and grow.


Our mission at Purley CE Primary School is to ensure everyone is nurtured as individuals to shine brightly with the confidence to be the best version of themselves.

  1. Through our value of love, we inspire the children to love God, love themselves, love one another and love learning.
  2. Through our value of courage we guide our children to “accept the things they cannot change and have the courage to change the things they can” (Serenity Prayer)
  3. Through our value of wisdom we encourage our children to make the right choices in life.


                                                   Image of the Purley Values

Our values of love, courage and wisdom, have deep Christian roots.




God is love.

God loves everyone and with his help, we try to love each other.

The good Samaritan showed love when he helped someone who was hurt.

Jesus showed courage when he died on the cross. Jesus helps us to have courage to do the right thing when we ask Him.

His disciples showed courage when he followed Jesus when others wouldn’t.

The Bible says that God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness to those who please him. Wisdom protects you. Wisdom will enter your heart. The wise man used his wisdom to build his house on the rocks.

We can  live the value by:

  • looking out for each other
  • being good team members

We can live the value by:

  • standing up for others
  • standing up for what is right
  • showing resilience
  • be a risk taker - mistakes are alright!

We can live the value by:

  • making the right choices in the way we behave
  • eating the right food and exercising
  • taking responsibility for our own actions
  • reflecting on what we do.

There is a weekly opportunity to collectively recognise pupils who have exemplified our core values when we award our 'Pride of Purley' trophies.

 Learning the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics is an essential part of the education of pupils at Purley School. Alongside these are the learning skills of:

  • collaboration where the value of love is exemplified

  • being resilient and a risk taker takes courage

  • researching and being reflective encourages pupils to demonstrate a level of wisdom.

Parents, pupils and staff create a warm and happy atmosphere in which the children are encouraged to be willing to accept responsibility for their behaviour and their work.

Values Tree