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Purley Church Of England
Primary School

Let all that you do be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14

PTA/FOPS (Friends of Purley School)


What Is FOPS?

FOPS (Friends of Purley CE Primary School) is a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) made up of willing parents and teachers. The FOPS roles are: Chair, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Secretary and General Members. Committee roles and responsibilities are here. Following our AGM in December, our 2022/23 committee has been announced here.

What we do

FOPS meet regularly throughout the school year to plan fundraising initiatives and organise events which raise money to help the school purchase equipment, resources and experiences to enhance everybody’s experience at Purley Primary.

Please find information here about FOPS for our new starters.FOPS New Starter information

We organise some great events, ranging from our Spring Fete, popular Thameside Firework Fiesta, bi-annual Tour de Purley cycling challenge, to more parent-oriented activities like our Quiz Night. We also organise bake sales and school end of term parties throughout the year. All of this raises money to fund things that parents would have to pay for, or wouldn’t be able to happen, otherwise.

Where does FOPS MONEY GO


How You Can Help 

When you support us, you’re not just baking a cake, laminating posters or giving up your time to man a stall. You’re buying your child playground equipment to climb on at break time, sending them on outings to places they’ve never been, making new friends, building a community and helping to make your child’s school even more brilliant.

As a small committee we really do need support from all parents to help raise vital funds for the school that directly benefits our children.  If you would like to join our committee or have an idea to share, please drop our Chair an email and head along to the next meeting.

If you aren’t able to join the committee but would like to help at events throughout the year, we’d gladly welcome you with open arms! Please do get in touch. Everyone has something to offer.

Class representative

We are currently introducing class representatives who help drive fundraising initiatives and encourage the social community aspect within school. If you would like to be your year group’s class rep, please complete the form on ParentMail.

Corporate matching

Does your employer run a corporate matching policy?  Please enquire as any money raised which can be matched by an employer helps increase total funds raised per event.  


Use easyfundraising to shop online with over 3,600 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.  Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Purley Primary School every time, it’s that easy! Find out more

My Nametags

When buying labels for school uniform, please consider using and put our school ID number 18975 on your order, by doing so, school will receive a donation from your total order.  




If you are unable to contribute in other ways, you may prefer to make a financial donation to the Parent’s Association. We are Gift Aid registered meaning we are able to raise more from your donation without it costing you a penny.

Thank you

We hope you will support us generously and thank parents for their support in the past and look forward to this continuing in the future.