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Purley Church Of England
Primary School

Let all that you do be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14


Owl Class  (Year 3 and Year 4) 

Hello and welcome to Owl class webpage. Mrs Pickering is the class teacher.

The transition from Key stage 1 to Key stage 2 can be challenging with our daily routine and approach to learning very different.

However, it is not long before we have a class of very happy Owls. In Owl Class, we enjoy having learning buddies, this helps us enhance our ideas, support each other and develop collaborative learning skills. We have English and Maths each morning and foundation subjects each afternoon. We like to embed our termly topic throughout our learning wherever possible. 

Owl Class enjoy enriching their learning with outdoor activities, this may include local trips within our community or further afield to visit specific places to support our topic learning. Each week, we complete a mile walk through the village. During our walk we try and complete some community work, delivering flyers, looking out for any damage to our village facilities. Each week we also replenish the poo bag dispensers.
In Year 4 the children experience an overnight camp at Rushall farm.

What our children say about Owl Class:

‘We have a lovely time in owl class’

‘We go on amazing school trips’

‘We have fun challenges in maths’

‘Owl class is great we have so much fun’

‘even though there is not so much independent  learning(through play), we still have loads of fun.’