Late/Absence Procedures
What if my child won’t be in because s/he is ill?
You should ring the school before 9.15 a.m to explain that your child won’t be in due to illness. You can also notify the school via ParentMail (our communication system). If you don’t ring or send a message via ParentMail, the school will ring you to check. If absence is persistent, you may be asked to provide medical evidence or appointment cards. Please try to make doctor’s or dentist’s appointments outside school hours. You will need to provide evidence (e.g. appointment cards) for appointments in school time. Our Attendance Policy is on our website.
NHS - is-my-child-too-ill-for-school
UK Health Security Agency Guidance: This guidance refers to public health exclusions to indicate the time period an individual should not attend a setting to reduce the risk of transmission during the infectious stage. Please see the guidance attachment below.
What if we’re late in the morning?
Children who arrive after 8.50 a.m are late and must come into school through the Main Entrance into Reception. They must sign in at the office and get their register marked. Parents must provide a reason for lateness. Continued lateness may lead to the Education Welfare Officer contacting you to discuss the reasons for this. Children who arrive after 9.15 a.m are considered absent, and recorded in the register with the reason for this accordingly.
What if I’m late to collect my child?
If you’re unavoidably late, the children will be taken inside the school building and will wait for you. You should ring the school to let them know you are on your way.
What if someone else is picking up my child?
Please contact the school office during the day to inform them.
What if we need some time off school?
If you need to take time out of school for exceptional circumstances, you need to fill out the form below or ask for a copy from the office and get permission from the Headteacher before making any arrangements. The school does not authorise holidays during term time. If you need to go away for an extended visit overseas, you need to apply to the Headteacher and agree a definite return date. The Attendance Policy is available on our website.