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Purley Church Of England
Primary School

Let all that you do be done in love

1 Corinthians 16:14



Curriculum Intent

A love of creativity is fostered throughout our whole school curriculum at Purley School.  From the freedom to explore art in its many forms in the Foundation Stage, to the diverse topics through Key Stages 1 and 2, our pupils are encouraged to take risks with their creativity, showing resilience with tricky to master skills.

Pupils are exposed to a wide range of art throughout history, learning about great artists and designers, and understanding the development of their art forms over time.  They encounter a variety of art and techniques from cultures around the modern and prehistoric world, and are taught the language of art, craft and design to enable them to evaluate and analyse creative works of others and themselves.

Although the mastery of techniques and skills form the sound basis of our approach to artwork, the children’s imaginations are encouraged to soar to develop and enhance their confidence in their new found skills.